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Pasting text seems to bypass some events

Hi. I''m having trouble detecting that the user has changed a GDBG cell''s text, if they do it by pasting (as plain text). I''m using, and pasting via Shift+Ins, as using Ctrl+V seems to not paste at all. 1) Grid_RowEditing doesn''t fire, but I can work around that by explicitly calling the handler from my Model_PasteCellText handler. 2) CurrentCellValidating never fires. When I try to call THAT explicitly, my handler only sees the old text, not the freshly-pasted text. For this, I haven''t found a workaround. What do you suggest? Thanks, Tom

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 5, 2004 02:23 PM UTC

To validate pasting cell by cell in a GridDataBoundGrid, you can use the grid.Model.PasteCellText event.

TJ TJ July 5, 2004 02:26 PM UTC

Ah wait, I figured out a workaround... In my PasteCellText handler, I just set e.Style.Text = e.Text; to accept the pasted text as the new cell contents, then proceed with the two workarounds I described above. This time, my explicitly-called Grid_CurrentCellValidating gets the new text as intended. Thanks, Tom

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