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XP Menu problem

Hi, We''ve modified syncfusion (version 1.6) to support right-to-left layout. Now I am porting our changes to the 2.0 version. I have the following problem: When drop-down menu is opened (from the main menu of application), it has icon and arrow columns painted when white, not the background menu color. After I move mouse over menu lines they get painted correctly. It happens even if I disable (comment out) OnQueryCellInfo of the menu grid - nothing but background is painted, but those two columns have white background. If I modify OnQueryCoveredCellRanges and move other column to cover icon or arrow column everything is painted OK. I know that I am asking for help for modified syncfusion version, and you do not have the full information, but still - it would help me alot if you can point me out to the code that does it. Thanks in advance, Alex

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 3, 2004 06:25 PM UTC

Hi Alex The 2.0.6.x version of Essential Suite includes RTL support for Essential Grid and Essential Tools. We are working on getting it out soon. Kindly open an incident in Direct-Trac and we can send you download instructions for the latest build that is available. Regards Arun

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