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version 1.6 and 2.0

Is it possible to use version 1.6... and 2.0... at the same time. The Asseblymanager only registers 1 version in the gac. What else does this tool do. I registered both version manually. Will I get any known problems by doing this? best regards Barbara

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 6, 2004 05:23 PM UTC

Hi Barbara, The Assembly Manager tries to simplify the usage of the Syncfusion Assemblies, registering one version in the GAC, and with the 2.0.x.x versions, placing one version in the VS.Net Toolbox. There is nothing preventing multiple versions from residing in the GAC, provided that the codebase for the two versions are in two separate directories. Also, a project can only reference one version of a given assembly (in the project references). Given the interdependencies between our assemblies (i.e. Syncfusion.Shared.dll is required by all, Syncfusion.Tools.dll requires Syncfusion.Grid.dll, etc), the preferred/supported approach is to only link to one version. Using reflection, one can load multiple versions of a given assembly during runtime, but checks would have to be put in place by the developer to ensure that the appropriate assemblies are located, loaded, etc. Thanks, and have a great day! -Trampas

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