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MskedEditBox. Problems using numeric masks.

We need a mask like this 999.999.999,99 Thousand separator is set to "." Decimal separator is set to "," TextAling is set to "Right" If user types 12345,08 the result shown is 123,45 ,08. when the expected result was 12.345,08 If we change Mask to 999,999,999.99 ( without changes on any more properties ) the result shown is 123.45 . ,08 Properties UsageMode and InputMode don''t cause any changes. What are we doing wrong ? Thank you very much. Rubén

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 1, 2004 11:46 AM UTC

Hi Ruben, The MaskedEditBox supports different Culture settings. So if you set the Culture property to say Spanish(Spain) the ThousandSeperator and DecimalSeperator properties are set accordingly. You need to set the Mask property to: 999,999,999.99 because the . and , are placeholders for the decimal and the thousand separators respectively and they get replaced as per the settings specified (in your case . for the thousand and , for the decimal) when you run your application. Now you can set the TextAlign property to Right and you should be all set. Regards, Arun

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