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XPMenusMDI - Removing references

In our MDI – form we have a problem with the XPMenus. When I profile the memory with Net Memory Profiler (v2.0.19.0) it doesn’t remove all of the instances from the XPMenus witch he should dispose. I profiled your Sample under Essential Tools Samples / Menus Packages / XPMenusMDI and it has the same effect. I tried a few different ways to remove those instances, and I wasn’t able to remove all of them. Do you have a solution for that? Thanks for your help jpp

7 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 24, 2004 07:52 PM UTC

Hi JP, In the XPMenus sample we call RegisterMdiChildTypes. This will explicitly merge the child types even before they become visible and hence the behavior in the sample. Are you calling RegisterMdiChildTypes in your application? You need not call it if you do not want this feature as part of your application. Regards Arun

JP jp pokora June 25, 2004 12:45 PM UTC

Hi I don''t have a problem with merging or the visibilty of the menus. My problem is to lose all of the references for the BarItems. In the zip file you will find a word document which has a few screenshots of my problem. I have used the Sample from Syncfusion (Essential Tools Samples / Menus Packages / XPMenusMDI). Do you have any solutions to lose those references? Thanks for your help JP XP_9709.zip

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 25, 2004 08:22 PM UTC

Hi JP, Thanks for the detailed posting on this issue. Yes, this seems to be a problem and the Essential Tools team has taken care of this problem. One thing to note is that in the Child Form''s dispose: If you had been subscribing to a RichTextBox''s SelectionChanged event, then you should explicitly unsubscribe to that in the Child form''s Dispose. This fix will be part of the 2.0.6.x release which will be out soon. Kindly open a support incident in Direct-Trac and I will udpate it with the download instructions as soon as it becomes available. Regards Arun

PS Philipp Schuette May 11, 2005 01:03 PM UTC

Hi Arun, we run in the same problem with version Is this fixed in a newer version? Philipp

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 11, 2005 07:37 PM UTC

Hi Philipp, Please take a look at Defect #246 and let me know if it matches your problem. As far as I can tell, the issue referenced in this post was mostly fixed. However, the above defect describes the one situation where the references are not correctly reclaimed, and includes the workaround for avoiding that situation. Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc.

PS Philipp Schuette May 12, 2005 10:22 AM UTC

Hi Gregory, Your described Bug looks like my Problem. I just installed Version and the most of the syncfusion objects doesn''t get diposed not only the baritems. The workaround you described is not feasible for me, because i''m calling the form from a non .net application. I can life with this problem. The reason why i had a look at the profiler was to find a solution for an other problem. As i wrote, i call the form from a non .Net application. The form contains 2 docked panels on left and 2 on the rihgt sind a menue and a toolbar at the top an a docked hided panel on the bottom. Also a mdi tab in the middle. If i called it first time, all fine. the second time i do not get e resizing cursor on the docking boarders. Philipp

PS Philipp Schuette May 13, 2005 01:32 PM UTC

Hi, i found when the behavio above happend, but not why. If i allow drop in a docked component, than after the second opening of the form the resizing slider will not displayed. philipp

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