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currencytextbox control and copy and paste

I''m having some problems with using Ctrl-c and Ctrl-V on menus on my forms with currencytextbox controls. I''ve attached a sample where I have a grid and a currency text box control. If u select one of the values in the grid and then go to the menu and click copy and then go to another cell in the grid and go back to the menu and hit paste u will see it pastes fine. If u do the steps again to copy from the grid using the menu then go to the currency text box and use the menu and paste u will notice nothing happens. now if u go back to the grid and select a value and actually hit ctrl-c using the keyboard and then move to the currencytextbox and hit ctrl-v using the keyboard it will copy..so if i use the menu with the grid it works but it doesnt with ur textbox but it does work if u acutally reproduce the keys. the reason we are using sendkeys in the menu is we are trying to make it as easy as possible when he have mulitple control on a form that we can copy from. is there something I am missing.. currency text box1_5088.zip

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 23, 2004 12:57 PM UTC

Hi Phil, Thanks for sending the sample. I was able to see the problem when using send keys. I have already reported this issue to the development team and will update you when the bug gets fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks. Best regards, Stephen. >I''m having some problems with using Ctrl-c and Ctrl-V on menus on my forms with currencytextbox controls. I''ve attached a sample where I have a grid and a currency text box control. If u select one of the values in the grid and then go to the menu and click copy and then go to another cell in the grid and go back to the menu and hit paste u will see it pastes fine. If u do the steps again to copy from the grid using the menu then go to the currency text box and use the menu and paste u will notice nothing happens. now if u go back to the grid and select a value and actually hit ctrl-c using the keyboard and then move to the currencytextbox and hit ctrl-v using the keyboard it will copy..so if i use the menu with the grid it works but it doesnt with ur textbox but it does work if u acutally reproduce the keys. the reason we are using sendkeys in the menu is we are trying to make it as easy as possible when he have mulitple control on a form that we can copy from. is there something I am missing.. > >currency text box1_5088.zip > >

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