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DateTimePicker & ComboBox

Hi, I need to display both DateTimePicker & ComboBox same (Look and Feel in XP & Win2K). Please find the problem in attached .bmp file. Thanks Satish datepicker_6378.zip

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 22, 2004 05:51 PM UTC

Hi Satish If you do not want the themed look all you need to do is ensure that the ThemesEnabled property of the DateTimePickerAdv control is set to false as demonstrated in this screenshot. If you want the themed look you need to set the FlatStyle property of the ComboBoxAdv control to System and enable themes for the DateTimePickerAdv (Some fixes were made post version in the DateTimePickerAdv to address this so open a Direct-Trac incident if you want to get the latest patch. This fix is part of the 2.0.6.x version which will be available for download soon). You can play around with the settings for both the controls to get the desired look and feel. Regards Arun

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