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Xml Schema for GridGroupingControl

Where can I find the full XML schema for the GridGroupingControl.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 22, 2004 01:54 PM UTC

Hi Musgatque, the GridGroupingControl uses the .NET XmlSerializer class to write out and read in the objects to and from the xml file. XmlSerializer uses reflection to parse the object and then writes out all public properties of those classes. Only properties that have been marked with the XmlIgnore attribute have not been written out. I am attaching a basic schema definition file that was created with the .NET framework xsd tool. There is one limitiation with that xsd file. For StyleInfoBase derived classes we do have our own custom routines for writing and reading the xml because of the dynamic nature of StyleInfoBase. StyleInfoBase reads and writes public properties that it has and ignores any unknown properties. Examples for StyleInfoBase derived classes are: GridTableOptions, GridGroupOptions and GridTableCellStyleInfo. For that reason, these classes are written out with "element:any" as content. schema0_5529.zip Stefan

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