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GroupBar Icons

Hi Everyone, I''m having a problem with my icons being scaled in the GroupBar control in StackedMode. The problem is particularly bad when you choose the "Show Fewer Buttons" command: this scales the image down to 16x16 - they just look terrible! We have invested in a set of professionally produced icons in various resolutions from 16x16 to 48x48 which look great at every resolution. It would be a real shame if we couldn''t use them! Being able to specify a separate small and large icon for each GroupBarItem would be a start. It would be even better if the GroupBar were able to extract the most appropriate resolution for each situation from the .ico; scaling as a last resort. What do you think? Cheers, Ruaridh

2 Replies

RH Ruaridh Hutchison June 18, 2004 01:29 PM UTC

OK - this is definately a case of RTFM and PINRF (Post In The Right F...... Forum!). There is a NavigationPaneIcon property that I failed to notice. Won''t do it again :) Cheers, Ruaridh

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 18, 2004 03:46 PM UTC

Hi Ruaridh, Thanks for the update. Good to hear that you are all set. Regards Arun

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