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Drag and drop column in a virtual grid

Is there a way to drag and drop column in a virtual grid?

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 16, 2004 06:20 AM UTC

To manage this, you need to maintain a correspondence between the initial col positions and any moved col positions. You could do this in several ways, One would be to add an array of ints that you initialize 1 through the number of columns. Then when a column is moved, you move this elements of this int array. Also, anytime you access your external datasource, you use this index array to manage the proper correspondance. That''s the idea. Another way you could do this is to add a hidden row at the top of the grid that you use as this index array, and you initialize it to start as 1 to number of columns. The advantage is that the the grid itself will take care of moving these values. Here is the modified VirtGrid tutorial that uses this technique. It adds (and hides) a row at the top of the grid, The SaveCellInfo and QueryCellInfo have been modified to use this row value as col index into the external data source.

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