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Briefly visible scrollbars

I am having problem with some controls put inside a Grid layout.

When using expander control, and wrapping header content with Grid layout, I'm seeing vertical scrollbars on each expander heder for a brief moment. The issue doesn't exist, if I use StackLayout instead of Grid for the same control.
In that specific example, I was using BindableLayout to render expanders and their content. If I used Grid inside expander to render contents, then that grid would also show scrollbars (but only while expanding/collapsing) for each row it contains.
Similiar problems occurs when I'm using SfButton, but this time not putting it in BindableLayout, nut just on page itself.

I don't have any code example to show the issue, right now, sorry.

6 Replies

LA Lavanya Anaimuthu Syncfusion Team February 10, 2020 05:13 PM UTC

Hi Tomasz, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
Currently, we are trying to replicate the reported issue at our end with the provided information and will update the complete details on February 12, 2020. 
Lavanya A. 

SJ Suyamburaja Jayakumar Syncfusion Team February 11, 2020 01:53 PM UTC

Hi Tomasz, 
Thanks for your patience. 
#Regarding Expander issue  
We have checked the reported issue “Briefly visible scrollbars” from our end. We would like to let you know that we are unable to replicate the reported issue in our sample. We have attached the tested sample based on your scenario. Please find the sample in the following link,  
Please check the sample and let us know if you still facing the same issue? If not, please modify our sample or share Expander related templates and revert us back. It will be helpful for us to check on it and provide you the solution at the earliest. 
#Regarding SfButton issue  
We have checked the reported issue with SfButton control, we were unable to reproduce the same. Since we don’t know your exact requirement, we have suspected that may this issue has been resolved by setting Margin and Padding property of SfButton
Please try this and let us know whether that issue has resolved or not. If not, please update us with more details. 
Suyamburaja J. 

TO Tomasz February 12, 2020 06:38 AM UTC

Thanks for your time. I'll check the sample later on today, and if that won't help, I'll prepare an example of the issue, because it may be some specific/edge case when the scroll bars become visible.
Meanwhile I'll add that I think I put the controls inside ScrollView on at least some of the pages that had the issue.

DV Divya Venkatesan Syncfusion Team February 12, 2020 10:14 AM UTC

Hi Tomasz, 
Thanks for the update, we wait to hear from you. 
Divya Venkatesan     

TO Tomasz February 19, 2020 08:30 PM UTC

Sorry for the delay, but I couldn't replicate the problem in a new project so far.
For the other project that have this problem, I noticed that changing grid row height from "*" to "Auto" seems to fix the problem, but this behavior isn't replicated in a new project.

For now, I have attached short video showing how does that look like on a running application, but instead of seeing scrollbars in the expander header, those are visible in the expander content, which is generated from bindable layout, using 2x2 grid, simple labels and a aboxview as a row separator.
It looks like this:

                <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
                <RowDefinition Height="1"/>
                <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
                <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
            <Label Text="{Binding .[0]}" FontAttributes="Bold"/>
            <Label Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding .[1]}" Margin="10,0,0,0" />
            <BoxView Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Grid.Row="1" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/>

In the meantime, I will try to reproduce the problem and post some code- maybe it's just a problem on my end, or some kind of an edge case scenario.

Attachment: 20200219212045_744c9ae6.7z

CS Chandrasekar Sampathkumar Syncfusion Team February 21, 2020 03:55 AM UTC

Hi Tomasz, 
We have checked the reported query from our end. We suspect that the reported issue is the framework issue in Label. We have ensured the same behavior in CollectionView also. Kindly refer the following report for further reference from below for further updates.  
You can overcome the issue by setting VerticalScrollBarEnabled as false as suggested in the above report. Please let us know if you need any further assistance. 
Lakshmi Natarajan 

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