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Scheduler - Issue in Agenda View


In scheduler component, we have set view to Week and Agenda.

 Step 1. Select Week view with any Date range e.g. 03-Feb-20 to 07-Feb-20

 Step 2. Navigate to Agenda view the selected date get changed automatically to 07-Feb-20 to 13-Feb-20.

           Expected : It should not change the date range. As above example date should be 03-Feb-20 to 07-Feb-20.



1 Reply

VM Vengatesh Maniraj Syncfusion Team February 10, 2020 06:41 AM UTC

Hi Sinchan, 

Syncfusion Greetings. 

Agenda view: The Agenda view lists out the appointments like a grid view for the next 7 days by default from the current date or selected date. 

In your case we suspect that the current date is 07th Feb 2020 or the selected date is set to 07th Feb 2020. So, the Agenda view show the date range as 07th Feb 2020 to 13th Feb 2020 while navigating the view from Week to Agenda. Based on your requirement we have prepared the below sample by making use navigating event and agendaDaysCount property of the schedule like the below. 
 <ScheduleComponent width='100% height='650px'  
         showWeekend={false} selectedDate={new Date(2020, 1, 7)} ref={=> this.scheduleObj = t} navigating={this.onNavigation.bind(this)} agendaDaysCount={5}> 
              <ViewDirective option='Week' /> 
              <ViewDirective option='Agenda' /> 
            <Inject services={[Week, Agenda, Resize, DragAndDrop]} /> 

  onNavigation(args) { 
    if(args.currentView === 'Agenda') { 
      var currentViewDates = this.scheduleObj.getCurrentViewDates(); 
      this.scheduleObj.selectedDate = currentViewDates[0]; 

Kindly try the above sample and revert us for further assistance on this. 

UG link(Agenda view)                                    : https://ej2.syncfusion.com/react/documentation/schedule/views/#agenda-view 
API link(navigating event)                            : https://ej2.syncfusion.com/react/documentation/api/schedule/#navigating 
API link(agendaDaysCount property)       : https://ej2.syncfusion.com/react/documentation/api/schedule/#agendadayscount 


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