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Aggregates in Hierarchy Grid


Is Aggregates Footer feature is available in Hierarchy Grid ?

Thanks & Regards
Pardeep Pandit

1 Reply

PK Prasanna Kumar Viswanathan Syncfusion Team February 6, 2020 10:17 AM UTC

Hi Pardeep , 
Greetings from Syncfusion support 
Query : Is Aggregates Footer feature is available in Hierarchy Grid ? 
Yes, the Aggregate footer feature is available in hierarchy grid. Please refer the below code snippet and sample for your understanding. 

import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; 

    selector: 'app-root', 
    templateUrl: 'app.component.html', 

export class AppComponent { 
    public data: Object[] = []; 

    ngOnInit(): void { 
        this.data = employeeData; 
        this.childGrid = { 
            dataSource: hierarchyOrderdata, 
            queryString: 'EmployeeID', 
            columns: [ 
                { field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'Order ID', textAlign: 'Right', width: 120 }, 
            ],aggregates: [{ 
            columns: [{ 
                type: 'Sum', 
                field: 'Freight', 
                format: 'C2', 
                footerTemplate: 'Sum: ${Sum}' 

<div class="control-section"> 
    <ejs-grid #grid [dataSource]='data' [toolbar]="toolbar" [childGrid]="childGrid"> 
Please get back to us if you need further assistance 
Prasanna Kumar N.S.V 

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