I'm having 2 problems using Xamarin.Forms SfComboBox control.
First problem (Problem1Page) is that in some cases (please find the attached example for the exact data), when using filtering with "Suggest" mode, and clicking concrete item in the drop down list, the value that is selected by the combobox is not the one user selects. For an example, running the attached code example, and typing "1.6" in the "invalid combo box" (the upper one), and then selecting the last item (with an Id of 17), the combo box selects completly different item, with index 5. But if we type "1.6 " (note the space in the end) and select the last item, then te selected item is correct.
Also, if we change the "DisplayMemberPath" property of the combo box to something unique (in the attached example it's "NameWithId" property of the model, as in the lower combo box on the same tabbed page), then everything works fine.
Second problem (Problem2Page) is that, when the combo box is initiated within text input layout, with an HasError property set to True on the text input layout, then the whole control height is bigger than expected.
If we change the HasError property runtime, the height of the control doesn't change, which is expected behavior, in my opinion.
I have attached the example code demonstrating the issues.