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RecordClickEvent in Grid

Hi. I need to fire an event when I click on a record or row in the grid.
(Select or DeSelect Event Together, not apart).
But unfortunately I couldn't find it.
  please guide me

3 Replies

VN Vignesh Natarajan Syncfusion Team February 3, 2020 05:42 AM UTC

Hi Ebi Torabi,  
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.  
Query: “ I need to fire an event when I click on a record or row in the grid 
We suggest you to achieve your requirement using RowSelected and RowDeselected event of EjsGrid. Kindly refer the below code example.  
<EjsGrid DataSource="@Orders” AllowPaging="true"> 
    <GridEvents RowSelected="Select" RowDeselected="DeSelect" TValue="Order"></GridEvents> 
. . . . . . . . . 
    public List<Order> Orders { get; set; } 
    public void Select(RowSelectEventArgs<Order> Args) 
    public void DeSelect(RowDeselectEventArgs<Order> Args) 
Refer our UG documentation for your reference 
Kindly get back to us with more details if above solution does not resolve your query.  
Vignesh Natarajan. 

ET ebi torabi February 3, 2020 08:00 AM UTC

Hi Vignesh Natarajan.
I want to fire an event by clicking on a record.
And this event is not dependent on the record being selected or DeSelected.
I can't use the Select and DeSelect at the same time.
I think RecordClick event essential for your great Grid Component .

VN Vignesh Natarajan Syncfusion Team February 4, 2020 06:37 AM UTC

Hi Ebi Torabi,  
Query: “ I think RecordClick event essential for your great Grid Component  
We have validated the query and we have considered your requirement as a usability feature “RecordClick event support in Blazor Grid”. We are always trying to make our products better and feature requests like yours are a key part of our product growth efforts. At the planning stage for every release cycle, we review all open features and identify features for implementation based on specific parameters including product vision, technological feasibility, and customer interest. Fix for the usability feature will be included in our next release 2020 Volume 1 which is expected to be rolled in the month of March 2020.  
You can also communicate with us regarding the open features any time using our Feature Report page. 
Till then we appreciate your patience.  
Vignesh Natarajan. 

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