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SfDatePicker crashes on first page of Rotator on iOS


I have started using the SFDatePicker in my Xamarin Forms application but I have come across 2 weird bugs. I have tested it on UWP, Android and iOS but these bugs only appear on iOS and they are both on the first page of the rotator.

These two bugs may be of the same origin.

     1. Date Picker does not completely render. This only happens if I place the date picker on the first page of the rotator. As you can see below all the months are not    shown and the year jumps to the current year.


     2. The next bug is a crash after you try and select a date. Sometimes you would have to move the dates around a few times for the crash to occur. 

For both of these bugs they appear only when the Date Picker is set on the first page of the rotator. 

Below is what the picker looks like when placed on the second page of the rotator:

It does not crash on the second page.

I have attached this project so that you may test it and debug it.

Attachment: SfDatePicker_41b9753e.zip

5 Replies

SP Sakthivel Palaniyappan Syncfusion Team January 30, 2020 06:40 PM UTC

Hi Taahir,

Greetings from Syncfusion.

We have analyzed your query and checked the provided sample, in that sample you have set MaximumDate as “01/28/2020” so only the month is shown only one. By default, value of Date is current date. You can customize the default selected date, by setting Date property to your date.  We are unable to reproduce the reported issue of “Crash after the select date”, and for this we have recorded video, please find the video from below.




  <datePicker:SfDatePicker HorizontalOptions="Center"






                           Date="{Binding Date}">

We have modified your sample, please find the sample from below.

Sample :

Please let us know if you have any other queries.

Sakthivel P.

TA Taahir February 6, 2020 10:01 AM UTC


Thank you for getting back to me. 

I have tested this and I still have the issue with the page changing when selecting a date. 
I can replicate this problem by just spinning the day, month and year pickers to random days,months and years.

Could you please tell me what you setup is? 

My setup is as follows: 

Visual Studio 16.4.4
iPhone 11 iOS13.3 emulated
Windows 10 

SP Sakthivel Palaniyappan Syncfusion Team February 7, 2020 06:02 PM UTC

Hi Taahir,

Thanks for your update.

We have tried to replicate the reported crash based on your instructions, but we are unable to reproduce the reported issue from our side. But sometimes the pickers are disappeared when we are swiping, but not get any crash.  The picker disappear  issue is related to Rotator, for this  we have already logged a bug report We have attached video link for your refence

Video Link:

If you mean the same as the picker disappear like in video, we will fix and update  or else you get crash then please provide full stack trace details of crash. It will help us to investigate more and provide better solution at the earliest.

Sakthivel P.

TA Taahir February 14, 2020 07:31 AM UTC


Apologies for the late response. 

Yes that is the exact problem I am facing. Any idea as to when it will be fixed.

Thank you so much for investigating.

DV Divya Venkatesan Syncfusion Team February 17, 2020 11:34 AM UTC

Hi Taahir, 
Thanks for your update, 
We have fixed the reported issue of “SfPicker disappear when we swiping on iOS”, but due to some technical complexity, we need to ensure in some test cases, so the fix will be included in our upcoming Volume 1 main release which will be available on end of March 2020. 
Please get back us, if you have any concerns. 
Divya Venkatesan 

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