I am working on Angular 8 Application. I having strange problem.
Having below version of calendar and schedule.
=> Globalisation working fine with this version but not working with latest version of angular calendar. Getting below error.
ERROR TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
at FormBase.getCultureValues (ej2-calendars.es2015.js:259)
at FormBase.createContentHeader (ej2-calendars.es2015.js:291)
at FormBase.createContent (ej2-calendars.es2015.js:243)
at FormBase.createContent (ej2-calendars.es2015.js:1973)
at FormBase.render (ej2-calendars.es2015.js:139)
at FormBase.render (ej2-calendars.es2015.js:1882)
at FormBase.disabledDates (ej2-calendars.es2015.js:4084)
at FormBase.updateInput (ej2-calendars.es2015.js:2932)
at FormBase.onPropertyChanged (ej2-calendars.es2015.js:11915)
I have encounter the problem also. Problem is path for getting language data having problem.
with version 17.2.49 it's working fine.
Now If I upgrade the schedule with 17.3.28 . As i want to use popupClose which is supported with the ejs-schedule version 17.3.28.
Please try to find some solution to this problem. I have attached the component files with attachment.