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Is it possible with custom number format ?Denotes the value should be divided by number for displaying big values with specifier (/9).

1 Reply

BS Balaji Sekar Syncfusion Team January 21, 2020 04:39 PM UTC

Hi Kalyani, 
Greetings from the Syncfusion support, 
Based on your query we are able to understand that you wish to denote the number value with separators like – “99-999-9999”. 
If your requirement is to display the number value with separators as the cell value in the grid column, then you can use the grid’s valueAccessor to achieve it. It is used for modifying the value of the display data as needed. More details on this can be found in the below help documentation site, 

If you wish to display this format while editing the records, then you can use the grid’s cell edit template and add the EJ2 MaskedTextBox as a custom component to achieve this. More details on grid’s cell edit template and the MaskedTextBox component can be found in the below help documentation site, 

If you let us know your exact requirement we will check and provide you the proper solution based on that. 

Balaji Sekar. 

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