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Auto Save feature in inline editing


1. We double click a column to edit and we make an edit. Now, if we do not press the UPDATE button but click elsewhere, will the update automatically get trigerred? So, that means I can run the ASYNC data update for the edited row?
Do you have an example of this?

2. In BATCH update: If we press UPDATE after doing batch editing and then the internet goes away, will we lose all the work or the page can say that you are currently not connected to the internet. Try again.
Can the BATCH update run automatically after specific interval of time in the background?

Is it possible to have the taxtboxes displayed for all columns by default than to double click and edit first?



1 Reply

TS Thiyagu Subramani Syncfusion Team January 20, 2020 12:11 PM UTC

Hi Angel, 

Greetings from Syncfusion forum. 

By default in Batch edit mode, when you double-click on the grid cell, then the target cell changed to edit state. It can save multiple values (added, changed and deleted data) in the single request to data source that’s why we save batch changes after a update button click. 

(Or)  by externally invoking the batchSave method to save the batch changes. 

But your case, we suspect you want to save batch changes after a single click in document. Its breaks the default batch edit behavior. So we need to know purpose for this request. 

Query 2 : If we press UPDATE after doing batch editing and then the internet goes away, will we lose all the work or the page can say that you are currently not connected to the internet. Try again.
Can the BATCH update run automatically after specific interval of time in the background?
For this query, we need brief explanation for your query and purpose . 

Query 3: Is it possible to have the taxtboxes displayed for all columns by default than to double click and edit first? 
By default, all grid columns are displayed with textboxes when edit state. If you need to add any custom components in edit state. Please refer to the below link. 
Help documentation. 
Please get back to us, if you need any further assistance. 

Thiyagu S. 

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