Hello There,
I'm trying to use Blazor Controls with some promising results, but right now I faced the problem with error handling in grid (custom adaptor). In my crud operations there is throw exception with message but then OnActionFailure event doesnt trigger. It works only for Read, but not for Insert, Remove, Update. Is this a known issue? Is there any workaround to display error messages from CRUD operations?
<GridEvents OnActionFailure="ActionFailureHandler" TValue="MyClass">GridEvents>
<EjsDataManager AdaptorInstance="@typeof(MyCustomAdaptor)"
public class MyCustomAdaptor : DataAdaptor
public override object Insert(DataManager dm, object value, string key)
throw new Exception("Test message"); //I would like to display this message on the page (Exception is thrown)
public partial class MyClass
public void ActionFailureHandler(FailureEventArgs args)
//this handler is not even triggered