As per title, I am trying to group all rows with a certain value on a custom column, in the documentation I read there is a way to include the Format, is there a way to include the template?
groupSettings: { columns: ["PhaseId"], showDropArea: false, showUngroupButton: false },
columns: [
{ field: "AssemblyId", visible: false, isPrimaryKey: true },
{ field: "AuditSequenceSequenceId", headerText: "SequenceId", isPrimaryKey: true },
{ field: "AuditAuditId", visible: false, isPrimaryKey: true },
{ field: "AuditSequenceResourcesItalianText", headerText: "Description", width: 500 },
{ field: "AuditLaps", headerText: "Laps" },
{ field: "AuditApplicationId", headerText: "Application", dataSource: this.ApplicationData, foreignKeyValue: "ApplicationName", foreignKeyField: "ApplicationId", query: this.ApplicationQuery },
//{ field: "PhaseId", headerText: "Phase", dataSource: this.PhaseData, foreignKeyValue: "ResourcesItalianText", foreignKeyField: "PhaseId", query: this.PhaseQuery },
{ field: "PhaseId", headerText: "Phase", template: this.phaseTemplate },
{ field: "LineId", headerText: "Line", dataSource: this.LineData, foreignKeyValue: "ResourcesItalianText", query: this.LineQuery },
{ field: "Priority", headerText: "Priority" },
I attached a screenshot of the situation.