Hi John,
Greetings from Syncfusion.
The Text in DropDown buttons can be customized by handling the TableControlDrawCellButton event. In that event the string can be rendered manually and the base action be restricted by enabling the Cancel property of GridTableControlDrawCellButtonEventArgs. Please make use of below code and sample.
Example code
//Event subscription
gridGroupingControl1.TableControlDrawCellButton += GridGroupingControl1_TableControlDrawCellButton;
//Event customization
private void GridGroupingControl1_TableControlDrawCellButton(object sender, GridTableControlDrawCellButtonEventArgs e)
e.Inner.Graphics.DrawString("$", new Font("Segoe UI", 12f), new SolidBrush(Color.Green), e.Inner.Button.Bounds);
e.Inner.Cancel = true;
} |
Note: Image can be added in to the DropDown button by creating a custom cell model and cell renderer. Please make use of below KB link for further details.
Please get back to us, if you have any other queries.