When I use an anchor tag helper with the asp-... attributes on a dashboard card then there is no URL generated. If I use the rel='nofollow' href attribute then the URL is generated correctly. The first line in the below code gives me a URL, the second line does not (code cut for brevity):
<ejs-dashboardlayout id="defaultLayout" columns="5" cellAspectRatio="1" cellSpacing=cellSpace>
<e-dashboardlayout-panel sizeX="1" sizeY="1" row="1" col="1" header="<div>Action Center</div>" content="#pnlActionCntr">
<script id="pnlActionCntr" type="text/template">
<a class="badge badge-primary badge-pill" rel='nofollow' href="./Task/Manage?status=ToValidate">To validate</a>
<a asp-controller="MdxEnt" asp-action="Index" asp-route-status="@Model.Status">To validate</a>
If I put both lines of code on the same page but outside of the dashboard layout then both lines generate the correct URL.