A little update after my investigation. The problem seems to occure only when editMode is set to normal. When i use (and i'm using) batchMode, the grid works as expected.
I no longer need the fix as to my current work, but the issue needs further investigation i think. For me the issue is resolved, but if you need further explanation or details, feel free to contact me.
Before showing the code, i would like to explain the structure real quick.
I have a partial view taht handles the rendering of the code responsible for displaying the modal. I control the behavior of the dialog via a custom model.
The grid itself is rendered in another partial that is passed to the modal dialog partial.
Here's the modal's partial view:
Code start:
@model CrescendoPMS.Models.DialogBoxParams
@Html.Partial(Model.PartialPath, Model.PartialModel)
).Target("#" Model.Id "-container").ShowCloseIcon(true).Visible(false).Width(Model.Width).Height(Model.Height).Buttons(btn =>
btn.Click(Model.Confirm).ButtonModel(new { onkeydown="dlgKeyPress()", cssClass = "e-flat e-primary", content = Model.OkButtonText }).Add();
btn.Click(Model.Cancel).ButtonModel(new { cssClass = "e-flat", content = Model.CancelButtonText }).Add();
code end.
The model class to control the modal dialog:
Code start:
public class DialogBoxParams
public string Id { set; get; }
public string Caption { set; get; }
public bool IsModal { set; get; } = true;
public string OkButtonText { set; get; } = "Ok";
public string CancelButtonText { set; get; } = "Annuler";
public string Confirm { set; get; }
public string Cancel { set; get; }
public bool CloseOnEscape { set; get; } = false;
public object PartialModel { set; get; }
public string PartialPath { set; get; }
public string Width { set; get; }
public string Height { set; get; }
Code end.
Here is the grid's partial view:
Code start:
// ... Some irrelevant HTML
@Html.Partial("~/Views/Shared/DialogBox.cshtml", new CrescendoPMS.Models.DialogBoxParams
Cancel = "invoiceLineFormCancel",
CancelButtonText = "Annuler",
Caption = "Porduit",
Confirm = "invoiceLineDialog",
Height = "80%",
Id = "invoiceLineDialog",
OkButtonText = "Confirmer",
PartialModel = new CrescendoPMS_BL.Models.invoice_line(),
PartialPath = "~/Views/Invoice/PInvoiceLineForm.cshtml",
Width = "80%" })
// ... Some irrelevant HTML
// The GRID
@Html.EJS().Grid("grid-invoice-lines").KeyPressed("gridLinesKeyPressed").DataSource((IEnumerable<object>)Model.lines).Columns(col =>
col.Field(nameof(CrescendoPMS_BL.Models.invoice_line.unit_price_te)).Format("c").HeaderText("Prix U. HT").Add();
col.Field(nameof(CrescendoPMS_BL.Models.invoice_line.total)).Format("c").HeaderText("Total HT").Add();
col.Field(nameof(CrescendoPMS_BL.Models.invoice_line.tax_id)).EditType("dropdownedit").Edit(new { @params = dropDown }).HeaderText("Tax").Add();
}).EditSettings(e => e.ShowConfirmDialog(false).Mode(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.EditMode.Batch).AllowAdding(true).AllowDeleting(true).AllowEditing(true).AllowEditOnDblClick(true).NewRowPosition(Syncfusion.EJ2.Grids.NewRowPosition.Bottom)).Render()
Code end.
I do have a display problem regarding the dropDown within the grid (the one associated with the tax_id field) but i will open a new topic for it.
Thank you for your help.