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Version for node and angular

Can i know for which versions of nodejs and angular , your package works? As we are using Angular for front end and nodejs for backend

Please do help with the version of nodejs and angular

8 Replies

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team December 20, 2019 06:06 AM UTC

Hi SaiSravya, 

Our angular package support to latest Angular Version and node version Above 10  

Note : If you use angular version above 8, you must have node version 10  


Shyam G 

SA SaiSravya December 20, 2019 06:12 AM UTC

Can i know whether it is working for angular version 6?

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team December 20, 2019 10:21 AM UTC

Hi SaiSravya, 
Yes, our syncfusion control supports Angular 4+ versions. 
Shyam G 

SA SaiSravya December 20, 2019 10:34 AM UTC

Please do refer the screenshot. We are using angular 6 , node 8 version.

When i use it for angular 8 , node 10 it is working as expected

Am getting  the below error

main.44aced69bffe62c11bca.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Object prototype may only be an Object or null: undefined
    at setPrototypeOf ()
    at e (main.44aced69bffe62c11bca.js:1)
    at main.44aced69bffe62c11bca.js:1
    at main.44aced69bffe62c11bca.js:1
    at Object.zUnb (main.44aced69bffe62c11bca.js:1)
    at p (runtime.a66f828dca56eeb90e02.js:1)
    at Object.2 (main.44aced69bffe62c11bca.js:1)
    at p (runtime.a66f828dca56eeb90e02.js:1)
    at n (runtime.a66f828dca56eeb90e02.js:1)
    at Array.e [as push] (runtime.a66f828dca56eeb90e02.js:1)

Please do help me with the above problem

Attachment: Screenshot_from_20191220_155729_61dd744a.zip

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team December 23, 2019 05:53 AM UTC

Hi SaiSravya, 

We have checked our diagram sample in the angular cli version 6 and it is working fine at our end. Could you please share us more details such as exact command to replicate an issue or modify the below sample and also check the target set in tsconfig.json file. 

Shyam G 

SA SaiSravya December 23, 2019 06:09 AM UTC

you are not getting my point... For angular 6 i used node 8 version. Then the problem comes

Please do check for angular 6 and node 8

These are the versions i am using in my project

SA SaiSravya December 23, 2019 06:21 AM UTC

Please check the sample code

Run npm start for backend

Run ng serve for frontend

Attachment: DiagramSample_5aed5301.zip

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team December 24, 2019 11:38 AM UTC

Hi SaiSravya, 
We have checked your sample with angular 6 and node 8 version and it is working fine at our end. Please look into the below screenshot. Could you please share us more details such as machine details such as OS? 
Angular-cli version 
Your sample output  
Shyam G 

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