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Custom header in Dialog editing

Hi. How to set the custom header in Dialog editing?

3 Replies

VN Vignesh Natarajan Syncfusion Team December 19, 2019 06:40 AM UTC

Hi Costa,  

Greetings from Syncfusion support.  

Query: “ How to set the custom header in Dialog editing? 
We can customize the header of edit / add dialog’s header using Dialog property of GridEditSettings. Refer the below code example.  

@using Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.Popups 
@using Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.Grids 
<EjsGrid DataSource="@Orders" AllowPaging="true" Toolbar="@(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel" })" Height="315"> 
    <GridEditSettings AllowAdding="true" AllowEditing="true" Dialog="DialogParams" AllowDeleting="true" Mode="EditMode.Dialog"></GridEditSettings> 
. . . . .. .  
    public List<Order> Orders { get; set; }    
    public object DialogParams = new 
        @@params = new EjsDialog { Header = "Customized header" } 

Please get back to us if you have further queries.  

Vignesh Natarajan. 

CO Costa December 28, 2019 02:28 AM UTC

How to dynamically change the custom header, depending on the type of action (Add or Edit)?

VN Vignesh Natarajan Syncfusion Team December 31, 2019 09:37 AM UTC

Hi Costa,  

Query: “How to dynamically change the custom header, depending on the type of action (Add or Edit)? 
Currently we do not have support for your requirement. We have logged this as a feature task “Support to change the Edit / Add Dialog Header dynamically” and added to our feature request list. We are always trying to make our products better and feature requests like yours are a key part of our product growth efforts.  
At the planning stage for every release cycle, we review all open features and identify features for implementation based on specific parameters including product vision, technological feasibility, and customer interest. We have considered this requirement for our 2020 Volume 1 release which is expected to rolled out in the month of March 2020.  
You can now track the current status of your request, review the proposed resolution timeline, and contact us for any further inquiries through this link.   

Till then we can achieve your requirement with help of JavaScript function. For that we need to use a JS function and JSInterop method of Blazor to call them. So kindly confirm whether it is fine for you to achieve this requirement using JSInterop. Based on your confirmation we will prepare a sample and update you the solution.    

Vignesh Natarajan. 

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