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Help customizing Linear Gauge like Test Tube with Gradient Fill


I wanted to use LinearGauge with CustomRenderer to generate Two types of Gauge.

Please check example Images in Example.rar

1. Thermometer which shows celsius and fahrenheit
As above option are given in ASP.net lineargauge like below link from your website.
I want just as same in winforms to show thermometer data with Celsius & Fahrenheit options.

2. Test Tube with Gradient Fill Color option
I wanted to create Test Tube like attached image with gradient color option using CustomRender but not achieved this.
Can you please help with above points. I am sure other will also benefits with this. As both options should be added for WinForms.

Thanks in Advance.

Attachment: Example_1c3ad4c6.rar

5 Replies

UN Unknown Syncfusion Team December 5, 2019 12:41 PM UTC

Hi Harsh, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We are currently analyzing your query regarding “Wanted to use LinearGauge with CustomRenderer to generate Two types of Gauge” and we will update regarding this on December 9th 2019. 
Niranjan Kumar 

HA Harsh December 7, 2019 11:18 AM UTC

Thanks, I'll wait.

UN Unknown Syncfusion Team December 10, 2019 09:58 AM UTC

Hi Harsh 
Thanks for your Patience. 
Please refer below for your query. 
Query 1: 
1. Thermometer which shows celsius and fahrenheit  
As above option are given in ASP.net lineargauge like below link from your website. 
I want just as same in winforms to show thermometer data with Celsius & Fahrenheit options. 
We have prepared sample as per your requirement. In the attached sample, we have created Thermometer view linear gauge using custom renderer. Using the sample you can display the gauge values on both side of the linear gauge and also you can customize the gauge value text using  DrawString method used to draw the linear gauge value in custom renderer. Please find the screenshot and sample for the same. 
Query 2: 
2. Test Tube with Gradient Fill Color option 
I wanted to create Test Tube like attached image with gradient color option using CustomRender but not achieved this. 
Currently we are analyzing the possible ways to achieve your requirement using custom renderer and we will update details once we succeed in our solution. 
Niranjan Kumar 

HA Harsh December 11, 2019 09:53 AM UTC

Thanks Niranjan Kumar & SyncFusion Team for your support. Sample Code works great. Thanks to resolve query one & will wait for second query solution.

UN Unknown Syncfusion Team December 12, 2019 11:26 AM UTC

Hi Harsh,   
Thanks for your Patience.  
We are glad that our solution to your query ”Want the LinearGauge control  to show thermometer data with Celsius & Fahrenheit options” has met your requirement. We have used ILinearGaugeRenderer interface to create thermometer like gauge to meet your requirement. Similarly you can create the Test tube like gauge using ILinearGaugeRenderer interface referring the below documentation and previously provided sample. Please let us know if you have any queries. 
Niranjan Kumar 

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