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How to change values in UserControl in a Cell

Using the RepeaterUserControl sample, how can I change the value in a textbox in the UserControl, knowing the rowIndex and colIndex of the cell hosting the UserControl? I can figure out how to get to the UserControl in an specific cell to change values in textboxes or other controls in the UserControl.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 9, 2004 06:40 AM UTC

One approach would be to change the DataSource directly instead of trying to change the DataSource through the grid. int gridRowIndex = ???;//what ever grid row you want to set int positionInDataTable = gridRowIndex - 1; this.dt.Rows[positionInDataTable]["City"] = newValue; //change the city field Making the change directly to the datasource should be immediately reflected in the grid display.

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