Hello Syncfusion Team,
Our app uses Syncfusion's DiagramComponent ("@syncfusion/ej2-angular-diagrams": "^17.3.26").
When user exits the app, we save the user's diagram using the .
SaveDiagram() method and the resulting JSON is saved to our db.
Later, when the user re-logs into the app, we load call the
.LoadDiagram() method to load the user's diagram from the saved JSON.
In between however, if we make any app updates (e.g. introduce a new diagram context menu item), these updates are ignored/overwritten when we load the diagram from JSON (which still has the old diagram context menu items).
I have prepared a stackblitz to demonstrate the issue.
The user's saved diagram json has 'old-menu-item' in the diagram's context menu.
The app has been upgraded to use 'new-menu-item'.
When we load the diagram from saved JSON, the 'new-menu-item' is ignored/overwritten by `old-menu-item'.
Please let me know if a work around exists for this.
Is there a way to suppress context menu items from being serialized into the JSON when calling .SaveDiagram()?