Hello guys.
I have several issues with UWP SfDockingManager. (nuget package version
1) I open a window programatically in float mode
2) Put this window in document mode, dragging the window at the center of docking manager
3) close the window with the close button
4) I want to reopen the same window in float or document mode with setting: SfDockingManager.SetDockState(uniqueControl, DockState.Float);
5) Nothing happens, window do not reappear.
I made a simple laboratory app, which I attach here. Target OS version is 1903. SDK is 10.0.18362.0
please follow this procedure:
1) click on Open Button
2) put the window in Document mode, dragging it to the center of docking manager.
3) close the document with the Close button with mouse/pointer
4) click on Open Button, and see nothing happens, window does not re-appear
5) if you click Query State you can see dock state is float, and DockItems.Contains(window) is true.
What can I do? , my goal is to allow the user to close a Singleton Window, and to re-open it at will. Thank you!