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A docking window hidden with the close button, can't appear again

Hello guys.
I have several issues with UWP SfDockingManager. (nuget package version

1) I open a window programatically in float mode
2) Put this window in document mode, dragging the window at the center of docking manager
3) close the window with the close button 
4) I want to reopen the same window in float or document mode with setting:  SfDockingManager.SetDockState(uniqueControl, DockState.Float);
5) Nothing happens, window do not reappear.

I made a simple laboratory app, which I attach here. Target OS version is 1903. SDK is 10.0.18362.0
please follow this procedure:

1) click on Open Button
2) put the window in Document mode, dragging it to the center of docking manager.
3) close the document with the Close button with mouse/pointer
4) click on Open Button, and see nothing happens, window does not re-appear
5) if you click Query State you can see dock state is float, and DockItems.Contains(window) is true.

What can I do? , my goal is to allow the user to close a Singleton Window, and to re-open it at will. Thank you!

Attachment: engendro_96eba30f.rar

1 Reply

UN Unknown Syncfusion Team December 3, 2019 07:21 AM UTC

Hi Leandro, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We are able to reproduce the reported issue Closed window in float or document mode does not reopen in SfDockingManager and confirmed this as defect and the fix will be included in Volume 4 SP1 release. It can be tracked through our feedback portal below.    
Niranjan Kumar 

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