Hi guys,
I'm using the current version of your really great XlsIo component ( to generate Excel files from the scratch, extend existing files, ...
Currently I'm working with a data list containing a boolean property. The column in the worksheet should display True values with a green background, False values with a red background. No problem with the columns ConditionalFormats property.
This works great if the excel file exists and/or I'm adding only one sheet to an existing file.
But in my case, I must add two, three, ... sheets in one file. And in this case, the conditional formattings in the second, third, ... sheet are lost when saving the file.
I've created a small demo in VB.NET (but happens in C# also) to enable you to reproduce the problem.
It doesn't make any difference if I use the ASP.NET, WinForms, ... component. The problem exists in all platforms.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,