I trying to create a dynamic populated tree view with check-boxes here is an example of the structure:
company 1 =>
comp 1.1
comp 1.2
department 2 =>
dep 1.1
dep 1.2
dep 2.1
dep 2.2
Employees 3 =>
emp 1.1.1
emp 1.1.2
emp 1.2.1
emp 1.2.2
emp 2.1.1
emp 2.1.2 and so on ......
The idea is when comp 1 is selected then department and Employee should change the children based on company selected, like the cascading Drop Down List.
Can you please provide me with a sample on how to populate and change treeview on selection, using RazorPages(not razor syntax) witch will hook into the dataprovider. As we are coding against aspnetcore 3.0 the OData sample is not an option yet because OData support for this version is not stable yet.
I have been looking for a example using the e-data-manager to populate the treeview using querying with url-adaptor but wasn't able to find a suitable one and i could not find AspnetCore Ej2 Docs on Data-Manager