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Bug with opening folder

This is just a bug report.  I set the path in the ej.filemanager.FileManager and this works correctly for instantiating the file manager.  However, when I try to open one of the folders, it removes the path added, and just tries to find it from the root specified in Controllers/FileManagerController.cs.  For example, the root set in FileManagerController is:
     string root = "z:\\folder1\\folder2\\folder3\\";

and my instantiation is:
     var filemanagerInstance = new ej.filemanager.FileManager({
          ajaxSettings: {
               url: hostUrl + 'FileManager/FileOperations',
               getImageUrl: hostUrl + 'FileManager/GetImage',
               uploadUrl: hostUrl + 'FileManager/Upload',
               downloadUrl: hostUrl + 'FileManager/Download'
          view: "Details",
          allowDragAndDrop: true,
          path: "folder4"

This loads folder4 correctly and displays folder5, folder6, folder7, etc.  When I try to open folder6 for example, it says it can't find z:\folder1\folder2\folder3\folder6, skipping the folder4 defined in the path instantiation.  However, if you remove the trailing \\ from the root in FileManagerController, and put it in front of the path in the instantiation, it works correctly.

2 Replies

KR Keerthana Rajendran Syncfusion Team November 18, 2019 12:27 PM UTC

Hi William,  
Good day to you, 
We have checked your reported query that path is not specified correctly. In File manager component, while using path property we have to add the “/” for path property to add the root path of the file manager component. So, the reported issue occurs. However, we might consider this as a bug from our end. This fix will be included in our Volume 4 Release which is expected to be released by the mid of December. Please be patience, until then.  
To know about the bug status, please track the below feedback link. 
Until then, you can remove the “\\” in the controller side and then add it in path property. It will load the file manager component correctly and it is possible to load the subfolder of that path. 
Please let us know, if you have any concerns. 

KR Keerthana Rajendran Syncfusion Team November 25, 2019 07:30 AM UTC

Hi William, 
Thanks for your patience. 
We have resolved your reported server-side path related problem in our latest services. For this fix, we are not considering the server-side end “//” value in our side. So, either specified or not, our component will show files properly. But we need to add the “/” for path property to add the root path of the file manager component. Could you please use the latest packages and add the “/” for path property to resolve this problem in your application? 
//Specify the root level directory location 
string root = "z:\\folder1\\folder2\\folder3"; 
// / is consider as a root level directory, so we should specify in client side 
   var filemanagerInstance = new ej.filemanager.FileManager({ 
          ajaxSettings: { 
               url: hostUrl + 'FileManager/FileOperations', 
               getImageUrl: hostUrl + 'FileManager/GetImage', 
               uploadUrl: hostUrl + 'FileManager/Upload', 
               downloadUrl: hostUrl + 'FileManager/Download' 
          view: "Details", 
          allowDragAndDrop: true, 
          path: "/folder4" 
Please let us know, if you require any further assistance on this. 

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