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Does tree grid editing work (with template and etc) in ej2-angular-treegrid 17.1.49 version ?

3 Replies

DR Dinesh Rajendiran Syncfusion Team November 18, 2019 08:54 AM UTC

Hi Domantas, 

Thanks for using Syncfusion Products. 

The editing feature will work in the TreeGrid ej2-Angular version “17.1.49” with templates. We have included a sample in which AutoComplete component is rendered using editTemplate to “TaskName” column of TreeGrid. 

Please refer the link below. 

If you need further assistance please get back to us. 

Dinesh Rajendiran 

DO Domantas November 18, 2019 02:58 PM UTC


Is it possible to change attached template on go? 
Let's say on initial load I have one template and if I'm editing the column second time I'm changing the attached template to different template.

I've tried this.grid.getColumnByField('ColumnField').edit = this.newTemplate;

But it seems that it doesn't work for me

EDIT: refreshColumns() refreshes template but it also refreshes my actions, cause I do apply template on beginEdit action so it will blur out my editing, so it would be great if I could do it without refreshColumns() method

DR Dinesh Rajendiran Syncfusion Team November 19, 2019 01:39 PM UTC

Hi Domantas, 

In write event we have rendered the DropDownList component for specific cell by checking the  condition and for the other cells we have rendered the AutoComplete component. In the read event also we have returned values from either autocomplete or dropdown component based on CSS class added in element. .  Please refer the code snippet below 

read: (args) => { 
              return this.autoCompleteObj.value; 
              return this.dropDown.value; 
write: (args: { rowData: Object, column: Column, element: HTMLElement }) => { 
              if(args.rowData["taskName"] == "Design"){ 
                  this.dropDown = new DropDownList({ 
                    dataSource: <{ [key: string]: Object }[] >this.treegrid.grid.dataSource, 
                    fields: {value: 'taskName', text:"taskName"} 
              this.autoCompleteObj = new AutoComplete({ 
                dataSource: <{key: string, value: any}[]>this.treegrid.grid.dataSource, 
                fields: { value: 'taskName' }, 
                value: args.rowData[args.column.field] 

Same as this you can render multiple components in the TreeGrid columns. 

If you need further assistance please get back to us. 

Dinesh Rajendiran 

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