Hi Frangoudes,
Greetings from Syncfusion support.
Query 1: Is there a way to call a dialog component e.x. a confirmation dialog with yes/no options the way the ShowDialog() is used in wpf ?
Yes, we have public method “show()” method to display a dialog.
Query 2: This means to create a single confirmation dialog component and then call it for code
You can create a reusable dialog component and change its properties while rendering it in parent component through property binding as follows
<Header> @Header </Header>
<Content> @Content </Content>
@code {
public string Header { get; set; } = "";
public string Content { get; set; } = "";
@code {
public string DlgHeader { get; set; } = "";
public string DlgContent { get; set; } = "";
this.DlgHeader = "Confirm";
this.DlgContent = "Are you want to close this confirm Dialog ?";
Query 3: The same, how can we call a component dynamically from another component in code ?
Also, can call ChildComponent show() method from the parent component by taking child reference as follows
@code {
public void Show()
<ReusableDialog @ref="ConfirmDialog"> </ReusableDialog>
@code {
We have prepared sample for your reference with above use cases, get it from below link