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How to get this custom control into sfDataForm

                        Hint="Credit Card Number"
                        LeadingViewPosition="Inside" >
                            <syncmaskededit:SfMaskedEdit ValueMaskFormat="ExcludePromptAndLiterals" 
                                  Value="{Binding CardNumber}" Keyboard="Numeric" 
                                  Mask="0000 0000 0000 0000" MaskType="Text"
                                  ValidationMode="KeyPress"  />
                                <Image Source="{Binding CardNumber ,Converter={StaticResource CardConverter}}"

I want to be able to put this into sfDataForm so that I can validate it, but have issues with all the customization,   I've tried via AutoGeneratingDataFormItem, but when I create the TextInputLayoutSettings, the LeadingView is a Label and won't let me put in an Image.  The image also needs the converter as it changes to visa/disc, etc. depending on what is entered.  The sfDataForm seems to be more of a pain then what it solves.  Would like to use DataAnnotation or INotifyDataErrorInfo for validation.

2 Replies

AK Ajith Kumar Senthil Kumar Syncfusion Team November 11, 2019 12:34 PM UTC

Hi David Brenchley, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
Query 1: 
 Based on the provided information, your requirement of “SfMaskedEditText editor with TextInputLayout in SfDataForm” can be achieved using the inbuild MaskedEditText Editor. 
Please refer our online user guide documentation regarding customizing of MaskedEditText editor by the following link, 
Query 2: 
We can able to reproduce the reported issue “Image is not loaded in Leading and Trailing view since intialized as Label” and logged issue report for the same. We will fix the issue and include the issue fix in our next Weekly Nuget release update which is planned to roll out on November 26, 2019. We appreciate your patience until then. 
You can track the status of this report through the following feedback link, 
Note: The provided feedback link is private, you need to login to view this feedback. 
Query 3: 
We assume that you are trying to use DataAnnotation or INotifyDataErrorInfo for validation and it can be achieved using the inbuild validations.  
Please refer our online user guide documentation regarding validations by the following link, 

AK Ajith Kumar Senthil Kumar Syncfusion Team November 26, 2019 01:56 PM UTC

Hi David Brenchley 
Thank you for your patience. 
We have fixed the reported issue of “Image is not loaded in Leading and Trailing view since intialized as Label”. But we have not included this fix in this weekly nuget since we need to ensure all use cases. We will include the issue fix in our upcoming 2019 Volume 4 Beta release which is planned to roll out by first week of December 2019. We appreciate your patience until then. Please let us know, if you need issue fix patch earlier. 

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