I'm trying to use Combobox to select an item.
Here's my code:
<EjsComboBox TValue="SFObject" @ref="Combo" Placeholder="Auswählen" OnChange="LookUp" @bind-Value="@SelectedSFItem" DataSource="@SFList" IgnoreAccent=true FilterType="Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.DropDowns.FilterType.Contains">
<ComboBoxFieldSettings Value="Name"> </ComboBoxFieldSettings>
SFList ist a List<SFObject> and SFObject Contains several properties. I want to Display the Name property in the Combobox, but I Need my Id Property to consume the selection.
How can I achieve this. It seems there is no DisplayMember/ ValueMember and i can't find the SelectedItem anywhere in my @ref=Combo Object.
The SelectedSFItem also stays empty...
Any suggestions?
Thanks Michael