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Check box is not getting value in Angular shedular

I have applied custom form in Angular scheduler. I have used Checkbox on that form. 
Screen shot : https://prnt.sc/pu29ec
I used this code to render checkbox:
        <tr *ngFor="let a of packageList">
                                            <td colspan="2" >
                                                        <ejs-checkbox id="{{a.Value}}" name="{{a.Text}}" value="{{data[a.Text]}}"  label="{{a.Text}}" checked]="a.Text==data.Package"></ejs-checkbox>

but when I checked  checkbox and submit the form it is not taking value. It should receive data.Package  = true
Sceen shot: https://prnt.sc/pu2ch5

Is there any mistake from my code? or please give me guide how to apply checkbox on shedular form.

Thank you 
Abul Hasan 

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