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Item count with search

I have put a limit (1) on my column. I have 2 cards in the column, so the limit is exceeded and the column changes color. 

I then do a search which only includes one of these cards. I now have a message in the column header saying "Cards 1 of 2 | Limit 1" but the column is NOT colored.

Should the column not be colored? There are still too many cards in it you just can't see them all.

3 Replies

BS Balasubramanian Sattanathan Syncfusion Team November 9, 2019 03:49 AM UTC

Hi Martin Pamplin, 
Greetings from Syncfusion Support. 
We have tried to reproduce your reported issue from our end. But we couldn’t reproduce that. So kindly share your code/demo video/workable sample for serve you better 
Balasubramanian S 

MP Martin Pamplin November 11, 2019 09:17 AM UTC

Starting with your Kambam Column Constraints demo I just added allowSearching: true. When I open the page I see the In Progress column has - Items Count: 6 | Max: 2 and the column is highlighted in something like Salmon Pink.

I then put functionality in the search box, this retrieves just 1 card. The header says Items Count: 1 of 6 | Max 2 and the column is not colored.

There are still 6 cards in this column (the header says so) so it is still over the limit. Should it not be highlighted?

VD Vinitha Devi Murugan Syncfusion Team November 12, 2019 11:21 AM UTC

Hi Martin, 
Thanks for your sample. 
We have checked the reported scenario in your shared sample, If the result of the search is beyond the limit count, then only the column is colored, which is the Kanban's default behaviour. 
Initially in Inprogress column, there are 6 cards which means column count is greater then the constraint count so it is colored.  After the quest, only one card (Count 1 of 6 Max 2) is shown on the kanban board so that the column is not colored. 
M.Vinitha devi  

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