Hi Guys,
I think I got a problem with the SegmentControl, when using the control on a App with the standard Shell Flyout menus, going to a different view and then returning to a view with the SegmentControl, the app crashes with the error "Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'SfSegmentedControl'."
The same problem does not happen if instead of using the Flyout menu I use the TabBar.
To replicate the problem:
1. Create a new Xamarin Shell App (I am using Visual Studio for Mac 2019);
2. Add the nuget package Xamarin.Forms.Buttons;
3. Add License and SfSegmentControl Initialization;
4. On the ItemsPage.xaml, insert a SfSegmentControl inside the first StackLayout with some Collection Items;
5. Run the app (with Shell still using TabBar) - App runs, and switching between Browse, About and back to Browse, the Segment control is still operational;
6. On the AppShell.xaml, comment out the TabBar, and add 2 FloyoutItems to the same views;
7. Run the app again - This time, switching between Browse to About and back to Browse, the Segment control is not formatted correctly and trying to tap on a Segment crashes the App.
I am attaching a zip with the App created as mentioned above.
Thank you in advance.