We recently updated version to fix a bug on one of our pages. However, a new bug has showed up: our dialog boxes will not show any of their content when the page loads up for the first time. Everything that's supposed be visible within the DialogTemplates tag just doesn't show up. However, strangely enough, the content will load when we refresh the page.
Here's what our component looks like:
<EjsDialog @ref="AddEditStyleModal" Width="600px" ShowCloseIcon="true" IsModal="true" @bind-Visible="AddEditStyleModalVisible">
<Header>@(WorkingStyle == null || WorkingStyle.Id == 0 ? "Create New Style" : "Edit Style")</Header>
<div id="add-styles-form">
<EjsTextBox Placeholder="Style Template Name" FloatLabelType='@FloatLabelType.Auto' @bind-Value="@WorkingStyle.Name"></EjsTextBox>
<EjsTextBox Placeholder="CSS" FloatLabelType='@FloatLabelType.Auto' Multiline="true" @bind-Value="@WorkingStyle.Css"></EjsTextBox>
<EjsSpinner @ref="StyleSaveSpinner" Target="#add-styles-form"></EjsSpinner>
@if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage))
<div class="row mb-2">
<div class="col-sm-12 text-right"><label class="alert-danger">An Error Occurred: @ErrorMessage</label></div>
<DialogButton ButtonModel="@SaveStyleButton" OnClick="@SaveStyle" />
This used to work before we upgraded. No exceptions or anything are being thrown when this happens.