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appointment size

I am making a query window but the quotation does not fit the size,
This is the code that I have for you

<ej:Schedule runat="server" ID="matrizconuslta" Orientation="Horizontal" Locale="en-US" Width="100%" Height="650px"
     CellWidth="19px" StartHour="7" EndHour="19" ShowQuickWindow="false"
     Views="Day" CurrentView="Day" TimeMode="Hour24" TimeZone="UTC +0:00" ReadOnly="true"
     Create="onCreate" ActionComplete="onCreate" AppointmentTemplateId="#AppointmentTemplate" >
<TooltipSettings Enable="true" TemplateId="#tooltipTemp" />
<TimeScale MinorSlotCount="12" MajorSlot="60" Enable="true" MinorSlotTemplateId="#minorTemplate" MajorSlotTemplateId="#majorTemplate" />
<BlockoutSettings Enable="true" Id="BlockId" Subject="Subject" StartTime="StartTime" EndTime="EndTime"
             IsBlockAppointment="BlockAppointment" ResourceId="ResourceId" GroupId="GroupId"  IsAllDay="FullDay" />
   <Group Resources="Rooms,Owners,Operations" />
            <ej:Resources Field="RoomId" Name="Rooms" Title="Room" AllowMultiple="true">
                <ResourceSettings Color="color" Id="id" Text="text"></ResourceSettings>
            <ej:Resources Field="OwnerId" Name="Owners" Title="Owner" AllowMultiple="true">
                <ResourceSettings Color="color" Id="id" Text="text" GroupId="groupId"></ResourceSettings>
            <ej:Resources Field="OperationId" Name="Operations" Title="Operations" AllowMultiple="true">
                <ResourceSettings Color="color" Id="id" Text="text" GroupId="groupId" ></ResourceSettings>
    <CategorizeSettings  Enable="true" AllowMultiple="true" Id="id" Color="color" FontColor="fontColor" Text="text"></CategorizeSettings>

function onCreate() {

    $("#matrizconuslta").find('*[id*=Appointment_]').height($("#matrizconuslta").find(".e-workcells").height() - 1);

Attachment: imgconsulta_fa0aad95_cd50319b.7z

1 Reply

VD Vinitha Devi Murugan Syncfusion Team October 16, 2019 07:41 AM UTC

Hi Veronica, 
Syncfusion Greetings. 
We have achieved your requirement by using actionComplete event of the scheduler. Kindly try the below sample. 

$(".e-appointment").css("height", $(".e-workcells.e-childworkcell").height() - 8); 
            // app height in day,week and work week will be customized to occupy the whole cell height. Once it is customized rendering another appointment in same slot duration will result in overlap.  
            $(".e-monthappointment").css("height", $(".e-workcells.e-childworkcell").height()); 
            // app height in month will be customized to occupy the whole cell height. Once it is customized, rendering two appointments in a same day for same resource will result in overlap. 
M.Vinitha devi 

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