Hi Emil,
Greetings from Syncfusion.
We are able to reproduce
the reported issue at our end. You can resolve this issue by adding the below
highlighted line in the OnCreate override method in the MainActivity.cs file in
your Android project as a workaround.
Code Snippet:
protected override void
OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Resource.UpdateIdValues();
TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;
Xamarin.Essentials.Platform.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
LoadApplication(new App()); } |
We have attached the sample
for your reference. Please download it from the following location.
Sample: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/148127/ze/TILSimpleSample-357976067.zip
We will include this fix in
our upcoming Weekly NuGet which is scheduled to be rolled out on Oct 15th,
Lakshmi R.
Am looking for the same solution In ejs tetbox angular EnablePasswordVisibilityToggle show eye icon
We have created a separate forum for this query. Please follow-up the below forum (174708) for further updates.