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Slow filters

performing filter on grid column seems very slow. I assign a IQueryable to Grid Datasource, but it seems the filter is performed by component instead add a filter to query. I think so because using Sql Server Profiler I dont' track any filtered query. Am I right? Or I'm wrong something?


1 Reply

VN Vignesh Natarajan Syncfusion Team October 8, 2019 11:41 AM UTC

Hi Manuel, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion forums.  

Query: “performing filter on grid column seems very slow. I assign a IQueryable to Grid Datasource, but it seems the filter is performed by component instead add a filter to query 

Before proceeding with your query we need some additional details regarding your query, so kindly share the following details.  

  1. Share the Grid rendering code example.
  2. Share the amount of data you have bounded to Grid. Also share the data count after filtering the data.
  3. Have you enabled Paging or Scroller in Grid?    
  4. Are you using any type of adaptor to bind data to grid. If yes, share the Adaptor Type.
  5. If you want to perform your own Data Operation using your SQL server then we suggest you to achieve your requirement using CustomAdaptor feature. Refer our UG documentation for your reference

Vignesh Natarajan. 

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