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How to set up a custom edit dialog component for a particular cell/column? (editType='MyComponent')


the use case is the following:

Click (or double click) a cell in order to open a custom cell-based edit dialog component.

The custom component lets the user do e.g. a custom search by consuming a custom endpoint/service. The search returns a list of items.
A double-click on a particular item should update the cell (data-grid) data and the dialog has to be closed.

How could this be achieved?

Many thanks in advance!


1 Reply

TS Thavasianand Sankaranarayanan Syncfusion Team October 8, 2019 11:23 AM UTC

Hi Olaf, 
Greetings from Syncfusion.  
Query: How to set up a custom edit dialog component for a particular cell/column? (editType='MyComponent') 

Based on your information, you want to open a custom dialog component when clicking(or double clicking) particular cell. In the opened dialog, you want to perform search operation. Then you want to close the dialog and store the particular cell value after clicking the search list item. 

Before proceeding this requirement, could you please ensure whether the below way to achieve your requirement is convenient for you or not. 

  • Initially we have grid with batch editing.
  • While double clicking particular cell, we have open a dialog which contains an autocomplete control.
  • Perform search operation in the autocomplete control. It will show the search results.
  • While clicking the required search list item, the selected item will store in the particular cell and the dialog will close.

Thavasianand S. 

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