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Problem accessing active richtextnode text

Hi, I am facing a problem with richtextnodes
I add a richtextnode and while I still typing in the richtextnode I click on Save button
As you can see in the image I don't have access to the already typed info

Can I somehow workaround this?

Attachment: ActiveNodeProblem_cc9a8e6d.7z

2 Replies

GE George October 2, 2019 10:29 PM UTC

Another question, can I predefined the richtextNode font (family, size etc)?

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team October 4, 2019 10:02 AM UTC

Hi George, 
I add a richtextnode and while I still typing in the richtextnode I click on Save button
As you can see in the image I don't have access to the already typed info
Please use TextEditor TextChanged event which triggers when we enter a text in richtexteditor. Please refer to a code example to define event. 
Code example: 
this.diagram1.Controller.TextEditor.TextChanged += TextEditor_TextChanged; 
private void TextEditor_TextChanged(object sender EventArgs e) { 
Another question, can I predefined the richtextNode font (family, size etc)?  
Yes, you can predefined the richtextNode font using the below code example. 
Code example: 
RichTextNode richTextNode = new RichTextNode("{\rtf1\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}\f0\pard This is some {\b bold } text.\par}", 
                                              new RectangleF(NodeX, 
Shyam G 

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