Syncfusion greetings.
To add resource, kindly use any one of the below ways.
1. Two way binding is not supported, therefore data source should be reassigned and Scheduler should be manually refreshed.
$scope.resourcedata.dataSource = [
{ text: "Nancy", id: 1, groupId: 1, color: "#f8a398" },
{ text: "Steven", id: 3, groupId: 2, color: "#56ca85" },
{ text: "Michael", id: 5, groupId: 1, color: "#51a0ed" },
{ text: "Joe", id: 7, groupId: 1, color: "#51a0ed" }
2. Using public method (Recommended)
$("#Schedule1").data("ejSchedule").addResource({ text: "Joe", id: 7, groupId: 1, color: "#51a0ed" }, "Owners");