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How to Sort SfTreeView Nodes?


I am using a SfTreeView to show data that is coming from a server. This all works perfectly, but with every Update of the data, the Nodes are re-sorting themselves, following no scheme.
Is there a possibility to set the way the Nodes (and SubNodes) should be sorted (like alphabetically or a user-defined way) or do I just have to deal with this?


1 Reply

GP Gnana Priya Namasivayam Syncfusion Team September 12, 2019 05:33 PM UTC

Hi Lee, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We would like to inform that treeview does not have default method in source to sort the items. Do you add any custom sorting methods in sample level or do you request sorting support for treeview items. Can you please share more details and explain your application scenario in detail. If possible share the issue replicable video, so that we could understand your query better and provide you appropriate solution at our end. 

Gnana Priya N 

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