The segment on the bars need some visual distinction other than color. While, the alt text is used by people with no vision, a color blind person may not use it. If they can’t tell the difference between e.g . blue and orange, they can’t read the graph. A pattern on one segment or each segment labeled (no the value of the segment, they can read the axis) can provide the other visual distinction.
2. How do we generate a table below the stacked bar chart with all the data points using Syncfusion Stack Chart Properties..
Please see attachment. The attachment contains a Stack Bar Chart generated using Synfusion DOCIO.. The table below has been generated using Word. Need to generate it using Synfusion Stack Chart Properties.
chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.Fill.ForeColor = Color.LightBlue;
chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.Fill.BackColor = Color.White;
chart.Series[1].SerieFormat.Fill.Patterned(OfficeGradientPattern.Pat_Light_Downward_Diagonal); |