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Tab text not changed in TabbedMdiManager

Hello, I am using TabbedMdiManager and DockingManager in my application. I used the following code to change the Tab text in the application. this.dockingManager.SetDockLabel((Control)form,rename.NewFeatureName); ((Form)form).Text = rename.NewFeatureName; ((Form)form).Name = rename.NewFeatureName; ((Form)form).Parent.Name = rename.NewFeatureName; Actually the tab name gets changed but it is not immediatelly reflected in the tab(UI). If i change the tab to floating or docking state, the new name appears. How can i resolve this problem. Thanks, Suresh Mani

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 3, 2004 09:01 PM UTC

Hi Suresh, When a docking window is in tabbedMDI state, the docked control is hosted within a DockingWrapperForm (which is actually a MDI child of the host form). Hence in a tabbedMDI state if you wish to change the text associated with a tabbedMDI child, change the text associated with the DockingWrapperForm as shown in the code below : // when in TabbedMDI state DockingWrapperForm dwf = dockedCtrl.Parent as DockingWrapperForm; dwf.Text = desiredText; Please refer to the sample attached here that illustrates the same, and let me know if this meets your requirements. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

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